
Summer Fun 2010

Wow, has it been this long since I last posted?? I can't believe it is the middle of September already. I have to say, though, we are coming into the best time of the year here in Las Vegas, fall. It's WAY too hot to do anything much during the summer here. So now that it's fall our calendars have just been full of fun things to do. I will recap our summer, though, since there were some great times.

Most importantly, we took Gehrig on his 2nd family vacation, this time to Jamaica. Since he turned 2 in June, we thought he'd be the perfect age to go to Beaches Resort, a sister of Sandals resorts, but for families and children. For those of you with young children, you probably know Beaches is "a proud sponsor of Sesame Street". The resorts are Sesame Street themed for the kids, with all of the characters, and all kinds of activities, shows, etc. for kids.

I was worried about G being unruly on the plane, because he's 2 and doesn't sit still for very long. For this reason we took a red eye out of Las Vegas, with our initial flight leaving at 1:45 a.m. I can proudly report Gehrig got up at 11 p.m. after being put to bed at 8 p.m., and was fine at the airport, though stayed awake. Once we got on the plane, he promptly fell asleep. Score one for us on the trip down.

When we got there we went to explore the resort, and Gehrig quickly saw how much stuff there was for him, and we knew we had made the right decision. The beach was absolutely gorgeous, with silky white sand, and clear turquoise water. Gehrig very much enjoyed going in the ocean with mommy and daddy, and playing with his trucks and sand toys in the sand for hours.

On the third day of our trip, I got sick. I had a fever and sore throat, but my throat was so bad that I couldn't even drink or eat, so Eric looked in it and said I had better see the doctor at the hotel. This, coming from a very blase Emergency Room doctor was a little bit unsettling to me. He originally thought it was strep throat, but I got a shot of antibiotics and a shot of a steroid, as well as pills of both, and nothing was helping. So after another 24 hours Eric switched his diagnosis to peritonsillar abcess, and asked the doctor to please give me a different steroid, but the doc said that in order to get that medicine I'd have to be admitted to the hospital 2 hours away.

So I suffered through, as far as health goes. As far as trying to enjoy our vacation despite y illness, I get an A for effort and for performance!! I made myself get up every day and go do things to make memories with my family. I have to say, while I was distracting myself, it seemed to work, and I forgot how lousy I felt. We ended up having such a good time and making so many precious memories, especially where Gehrig's concerned. I am so thankful that we had the chance to be able to go on a vacation as a family and that we got to see our son enjoy himself so much.

Once back in the US, I went to the ER (of course Eric called the doctor in the ER to discuss me first, so I wouldn't have to wait forever in the waiting room). I was given the proper steroid, and dose, and pain meds, and I was better in 24 hours, at least my throat was, but the nasty virus decided to attack my lungs next. All in all I was sick for 16 days. I would be happy if I never got another virus like that again.

Now it's September and my little guy is back to school and absolutely loving it. He has grown so much over the past 3 months, since his 2nd birthday. He can count to 4, sing his ABC's, skipping a few letters here and there, but hey!! He knows all his colors, and he is like a parrot in the language department. This has mommy and daddy on their best behavior where language is concerned, so that he doesn't repeat what he hears from us!!

We're preparing for a visit from my two aunts next week and then the following week G and I are going to go back to NY with my aunt. We haven't been home in a year so I am really looking forward to seeing all my best friends and my family. I plan on taking Gehrig apple picking for the first time, and definitely want to play in the leaves with him!! I am also hoping there is somewhere that is having hayrides, so we can experience some of what upstate NY has to offer in fall. My son doesn't even know what leaves are, because we don't have them here in Las Vegas, at least not in piles in the yard!! I like showing Gehrig different things in nature.

Maybe next year, we'll introduce him to snow!!!!

1 comment:

linda waite said...

Lovely Nicole...........I am so looking forward to coming to your home and you coming back to mine.......I love you very much and will see you real soon