
The days of our lives

As I said in my last post, I am really trying to blog more often. So here goes!!

It's been pretty routine around here. Eric's been working a lot, gehrig has been going to preschool 3 days a week, and, dare I say, liking it. He used to cry when I pulled in the parking lot, now he will walk in all by himself and wave "hi" as he passes by the front desk. He even naps there now! This is major progress! He's now almost 26 months old. Where does the time go?? Pretty soon we'll be potty training, FUN FUN!! He is already getting used to the potty at school, I am just of the belief that you shouldn't push it until he is ready, which will be closer to 2 1/2 or 3 years old. My Pediatric Nurse experience has taught me that, not to push milestones before the child is ready.

We're probably NUTS but we're taking Gehrig to Negril, Jamaica in August. We're going to Beaches Resorts, a sister company of sandals, only for families. they are a sponsor of Sesame Street and they have day care, nannies, children's activities, all the Sesame St characters, and water park. We leave at 1:45 a.m., YES 1:45a.m. So G should sleep on the way there just fine, it's the way back I am worried about. Wish us luck!

My husband is now the Medical Director for MedicWest, one of the largest ambulance companies in Las Vegas, in addition to his other 17 jobs. I see no reason to work that hard, but thank God somebody does!! This is my attempt to start being more funny/witty in my blog posts. I hope you can appreciate my dry sense of humor as much as I appreciate it!

Well, I must go fix dinner so I can get the little guy to bed! I have some good TV choices and movie choices to ponder.......

Talk soon!

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